February 18, 2009


. February 18, 2009

In celebration of Earth Day 2009, we will be ordering Earth Day t-shirts personalized with Woolridge Elementary School. These shirts may be worn on Earth Day, April 22, 2009 because on that day we are encouraging the entire school to wear green to show our support for the environment! The shirts are lime green and are available in Child and Adult sizes. Adults may order these too! The price is $8 per shirt (child and adult). Orders are due Friday, March 13. The shirts will be sent home during the week of April 14.

<-- Woolridge Elementary School (will go here)

Children Sizes
Child Shirt Size "S" --> Size 6-8

Child Shirt Size"M" --> Size 10-12

Child Shirt Size "L" --> Size 14-16

Adult Sizes
Adult Shirt Size "S" --> Chest Width = 18"; Length = 28"

Adult Shirt Size "M" --> Chest Width - 20"; Length = 29"

Adult Shirt Size "L" --> Chest Width = 22"; Length = 30"

Adult Shirt Size "XL" --> Chest Width = 24"; Length = 31"

Adult Shirt Size "2X" --> Chest Width = 26"; Length = 31.5"-32"

Adult Shirt Size "3X" --> Chest Width = 28"; Length = 32"-33"

Adult Shirt Size "4X" --> Chest Width = 30"; Length = 33"-34"

*2X+ sizes are $3 extra.
A child L and adult small are the same size but the child shirt will be shorter in length.

Recycle! Recycle! Recycle! – Just a reminder that the students can bring in small batteries and printer cartridges from home to recycle in the front office. Woolridge students are also recycling paper and glue sticks that they generate in their classrooms and cans, bottles and juice bags from their lunches in the cafeteria. Please remind your children to place the recyclables from their lunch into the recycle containers in the cafeteria.
Check out the Woolridge Go Green blog for more information – gogreenwoolridge.blogspot.com. We have several activities planned for the week of Earth Day. We will keep you informed through the blog or flyers. Any questions? Email – Kim Owens at markandkim@owensclan.com

_____Cut Here and Turn Order Form into Your Child’s Teacher with a Check__________

Earth Day Shirts Order Form. You must prepay for the shirt(s).

Child’s Name____________ Teacher______________ # of Shirts________Shirt Size(s)______________
ORDER TOTAL ($): ___________
Make checks payable to “Woolridge Elementary School”. Shirts are $8 each. Add $3 a 2X, 3X or 4x shirt. Please return your order to your child’s teacher by Friday, March 13.




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