April 5, 2009

Looking for Volunteers

. April 5, 2009

The Woolridge Elementary School Green Club is looking for volunteers. We have lots of activities and big plans in mind to help make our school and community as green as it can be. Volunteers can serve in one many roles.

  1. Classroom Recycling Coordinator.
  2. Monitor students during club activities.
  3. Help organize events.
  4. Provide ideas and expertise.
  5. Lead by example.

Volunteers can be involved as little or as much as they feel comfortable. If you're interested in lending a hand, contact us at gogreenwoolridge@gmail.com. Thank you for helping make Woolridge Elementary School and our community more green.

We are currently looking to fill the following positions (LAST UPDATED 9/22/09):

  1. Juice Pouch Brigade Team Leader - Schedule and coordinate team members and ship juice pouches to TerraCycle.
  2. Juice Pouch Brigade Team Members - Work with student volunteers rinse juice pouches on a weekly basis. Click HERE to view sign up sheet.
  3. MilkMuny Team Leader - Collecting cartons from each classroom on a monthly basis and ship them to MilkMuny.
  4. Recycle-palooza Team Members - Collect recycled items once a week for the duration of the event (4 weeks). This event is yet to be scheduled. Likely Spring 2010.
  5. Battery Recycling Team Leader - Check status of battery recycling bin in front office and ship container to battery recycling company when container is full.
  6. Printer Cartridge Recycling Team Leader - Check status of printer cartridge recycling bin in front office and ship container to recycling company when full.
  7. Glue Crew Team Leader - Coordinate with Classroom Recycling Team Members and transport glue sticks to Walmart for recycling at the end of the school year. (Kim Owens)
  8. Bulletin Board Team Leader - Maintain and update bulletin board content in Cafeteria.
  9. Bulletin Board Team Member - Assist Bulletin Board Team Leader.

The following positions are currently filled:

  1. Classroom Recycling Team Members - Check with the teacher to see if they have a recycling box and a glue stick recycling box. Serve as a point of contact between the classroom and the Green Club. You and the teacher may be asked to help "get the word out" to promote Green Club projects and activities.
  2. Glue Crew Team Leader - Coordinate with Classroom Recycling Team Members and transport glue sticks to Walmart for recycling at the end of the school year. (Kim Owens)




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