The Woolridge Elementary School Green Club recently collected hair and nylons as part of their 1st Annual Recycling Bonanza. Out timing for collecting these items is fortunate given the current crisis in the Gulf of Mexico. The hair and nylons we collected will be sent to a great orgnization called Matter of Trust.
A huge nationwide response is currently taking place to help get hair boom to the gulf coast beaches in need. Matter of Trust has 12 locations spread out through Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida that are receiving hair. There are hundreds of volunteers having Boom B Q parties where they're making the boom.
Thousands are signing up to their database program Excess Access (free and fast) to be assigned where to send hair, fur, waste wool clippings and used nylons (washed, runs ok) for making the booms. Please see their Youtube for information on Hair Mats and Hair Booms!
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