October 8, 2009

Hey You! Returning Readers. Read This!

. October 8, 2009

The Woolridge Elementary School Green Club blog recently celebrated its first blog-iversary. Well over 1,000 visitors have checked out our humble website looking for information on how to make our world greener. The website allows me to track really cool information like where individual readers are from, the search words and links that readers used to visit this site, and the time spent visiting this site. It turns out that readers visit from all over the country and all over the world to see what we have to say. I see a lot of interest in people wanting to learn more about recycling, reusable grocery bags, greening our school cafeterias, and making our schools more environmentally friendly. In fact, I have noticed a number of "repeat customers". If that's you, THANKS!

One reason I started this blog is to share information, tips, and activities for those of us associated with Woolridge as well as for everyone else out there. But another reason, and I feel a more important reason, is to start a dialog amongst everybody. A lot of people are visiting this website looking for ideas (and that's great), but we can accomplish a LOT more if we communicate with each other. These posts aren't intended to be monologues. They're intended to be dialogues. So please leave comments if you find a post to be interesting or if you want to learn more information.

There are a bunch of ways readers can interact on this blog. Readers can post comments on individual posts. Or you can leave comments/questions in our Green Gab chat box on the left sidebar. If you're not tech-savy, click on the FAQ link at the top of the blog and learn how. Last but not least, you can e-mail me at gogreenwoolridge@gmail.com. I'm more than happy to share information and listen to your ideas and recommendations.

It's great that so many people are interested in protecting our environment and are taking action. Let's join hands, share information, work together, and let's make a REAL difference.




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